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What are the classifications of customized High temperature pyrometer

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What are the classifications of customized High temperature pyrometer

(Summary description)A customized High temperature pyrometer generally refers to a type of instrument that does not contact a high-temperature object, but uses a radiation formula to calculate the temperature of the object by measuring its radiant heat.

What are the classifications of customized High temperature pyrometer

(Summary description)A customized High temperature pyrometer generally refers to a type of instrument that does not contact a high-temperature object, but uses a radiation formula to calculate the temperature of the object by measuring its radiant heat.


A customized High temperature pyrometer generally refers to a type of instrument that does not contact a high-temperature object, but uses a radiation formula to calculate the temperature of the object by measuring its radiant heat. Because it does not need to be in contact with the measured object, it can be used in extremely high temperature occasions, sports heat sources, and temperature measurement of heat sources that cannot be contacted or are harmful to the human body and the instrument. In a customized High temperature pyrometer that measures higher temperatures. Two types of optical pyrometers and radiation pyrometers are the most important.

customized High temperature pyrometer

In an optical pyrometer, the filament is heated to the calibrated heat. Compared with the color of the high-heat object, adjust the heat of the filament to make the color consistent with the high-heat object. The temperature of the filament is the temperature of the high-heat object.

In the radiation pyrometer, the radiation from the object is concentrated on the thermopile, and the corresponding voltage is generated according to the amount of heat radiation intercepted, and then the voltage is converted to the temperature of the object.

There are two forms of customized High temperature pyrometer:
1) A device for measuring the temperature of the molten pool, including: a refractory mounting sleeve and an optical pyrometer;
2) Generally refers to the thermometer used to measure the temperature higher than 500℃. Commonly used customized High temperature pyrometers include optical pyrometers, colorimetric pyrometers and radiation pyrometers.



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